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Streamline your design process & launch your product

Discover top-tier designs, animations and more with us.

Messhu Vol.1 - 20 Animated Light Mesh Gradients

A collection for 20 unique animated light mesh gradients ready to be used in your next project. You'll receive 4 different files types including the working files to these animated mesh gradients.

Kokan - Crypto Exchange Landing Page

Clean and minimal desktop landing page in dark and light mode, ideal for any companies in fields such as Crypto, Finance, Banking, Fintech and much more.

Need custom designs?

Reach out to us on our Contact Us page and get the converstation started for your next project.

Product Design

At the heart of our core services lies product design. We specialize in crafting digital products that not only deliver value but also perfectly align with our clients' requirements.


Brand identity design is the key element that distinguishes your business from others. Let's collaborate and craft something truly unique together for you and your customers.


Have a question? Find the answer in our Frequently Asked Questions.

How can I use Amai.Studio products?

You can use all assets for both personal and commercial projects.

Can I order custom work?

Yes, you can. Simply navigate over to our Contact Us page to get the conversation started.